
South Africa is a land with deep spiritual roots and a rich tapestry of indigenous wisdom. Kundalini Yoga provides a transformative framework for individuals to explore their spirituality, connect with their higher selves, and deepen their connection to the divine, and by incorporating indigenous wisdom, traditions, and rituals, Kundalini Yoga can help South Africans reclaim their spiritual heritage, fostering a sense of belonging, spiritual awakening, and cultural revival. Join us on our annual Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training! Learn more about the Yogic lifestyle and upcoming Yoga Events! Find your local teachers and studios! Donate to sponsor Teacher Training and to spread Yoga in our community!

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Our History

Yoga is a love that affects one deeply, and all drawn to this art started teaching in many different settings: at retreats, in schools, hospitals, underserved areas, townships, youth homes, drug rehab centers and more. These outreaches blossomed in a multitude of ways. In 1999, the 3HO Foundation SA was established. White Tantric Yoga, a particular expertise of Yogi Bhajan with meditators sitting in rows facing each other, was hosted in South Africa four times…

Our Vision

At its core, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful spiritual practice that combines physical exercises, breathing techniques, meditation, and mantra chanting to awaken the dormant spiritual energy within individuals. By harnessing the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga, we envision a future where South Africans from all walks of life experience enhanced physical, mental, and emotional well-being, leading to personal growth and a more harmonious society…

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung - Mantra

Some Fun Facts about our organisation
Years of service
Teachers trained
> 10.000
Japji recitals
Skyfests celebrated
Teacher Training courses

Latest News

Listed below are some of the teacher training courses that we have lined up…

Level 3 – 21 Stages of Meditation

21 Stages of Meditation (9 – 16 February 2025) – Meditation is the experiential backdrop to the journey of the soul, the canvas to which we add colour, depth of feeling and deep processing of the self. The twenty-one stages of meditation mirror the psycho-spiritual journey of life. Click here to learn more…

Level 1 Teacher Training 2024

Foundation Level One Course commencing in the second half of 2024!

Teaching yoga is much more than instructing exercise! A yoga teacher is a societal force for good, holding hands in community to ease and release buried collective pain. Click here to learn more…

Stufe 2 Lehrerausbildung 2024 – Österreich

Stress & Vitalität (26 September – 2 Oktober 2024) – Dieser Kurs ist einer der fünf Spiegel der Transformation im KRI International Level Two Lehrertraining. Wir werden sehen, wie wir uns unter Stress verhalten, und die Fähigkeiten erlernen, die benötigt werden, um anderen gestressten Menschen zu helfen. Hier erfährst du mehr…